Written by editor-turned-literary agent Betsy Lerner, The Forest for the Trees, is full of insights about human nature relating to writers and the writing process.
- "Writing demands that you keep at bay the demons insisting that you are not worthy or that your ideas are ridiculous or that your command of the language is insufficient."
- "The serious writer understands that her craft may take years to develop."
- "Rejection is a fact of writing life."
- "I see publishing more like a game of odds in which you increase your chances of acceptance simply by doing more than the next guy. It [isn't] about being at the right place at the right time but about being in a lot of places at a lot of times, showing up even when the odds seemed lousy."
- "Write the book you want to read. Write the book that takes everything you’ve got."
Her tips:
- "Most of us [in the publishing industry] are in awe of a brilliant manuscript and will do everything in our power to see that it reaches readers."
- "The best editors call attention to those parts of a book that have been bothering the writer, if only on an unconscious level."
- "Treat your publicist like gold."
- "Word of mouth is still the most powerful way to sell books."